Order Inquiries
Contact us by e-mail if interested in a custom order, or if you need to resupply any notecards!
E-mail to: info@wrayphotographyanddesign.com
Muskoka Arts and Crafts 2024
Thank you to everyone who stopped by to say hello and/or purchase some art.
Lookign forward to seeing you again in 2025.
Bala Cranberry Festival
Justin is unable to attend this year due to a scheduling conflict but you should still attend!!
Always the weekend after Thanksgiving.
Save the Date for 2024!!
October 18th, 19th and 20th... in Bala ON.
Where Else to Find Us in Muskoka and environs...
We continue to work at placing Justin's photography in stores
across Muskoka as well as making it available for sale on this website.
Please find framed photos, matted prints, canvas prints and/or blank notecards at the Muskoka shops listed below.
Check back periodically to see where else you can find Justin's work.
1003 Maple Avenue, Bala
Blank notecards.
Exclusive to Bala! Birchbark is the only place to find our cards in Bala.
Click map to right for directions.
Local Vendor Marketplace
Shop Muskoka Lakes is a multi-vendor showcase of local stores and services. Now you can support our community’s businesses conveniently by shopping online. Strengthening our local economy means helping all to be in the spotlight—online for the entire world to see.
Framed prints, canvas prints and blank notecards.
Product discounts for purchasing locally through the ShopMuskokaLakes.ca website.Click on the image right to connect with the online marketplace.
14 Front Street, Mactier
Blank notecards, and selected framed photos.
Click map to right for directions.
2932 Highway 118 W, Port Carling
Blank notecards.
Click map to right for directions.
1453 Dee Bank Road, Utterson
Blank notecards.
Click map to right for directions.
16 West Street, Port Carling
Blank notecards and selected prints (framed or on canvas).
Click map to right for directions.
23 York Street, Haliburton ON
Blank notecards and selected prints (printed on metal).
Click on the image to the right for directions.
Chapel Gallery - 15 King St., Bracebridge, Ontario, Canada, P1L 1H4
MAC ON MAIN - 63 Manitoba Street, Bracebridge P1L 2B2
Click on the image to the right to learn more about Muskoka Arts & Crafts - including details on upcoming exhibitions.
© Wray Photography and Design 2024